Six loads on the sanitary cycle. That is what it takes to clean up a food poisoning incident for four people. That and a bottle of carpet cleaner, several antibacterial wipes, and a half-bottle of carpet cleaner in the Hoover carpet shampooer. Oh, and several squirts of Febreeze. Chemicals can be a good thing.
I'm so glad I didn't eat the ham. Six out of our seven did. One barely ate a molecule of it. One got lucky- I microwaved his a long time. That's why only four got sick, but last night at 1:00 AM, I kept waiting for those two to join the vomit party. First my husband started the good times. Then my six-year-old. I went to check on my baby only to see him snoozing next to a pile of vomit. Later, I heard through the baby monitor my four-year-old heaving.
My husband doesn't even want to see ham again. Ditto the other unfortunates. I didn't eat the ham, but even I don't want to see it again. I saw enough second-hand ham last night, thanks.
The kids had the day off today, and we were supposed to have friends over for a playdate day and make cookies and other fun stuff. Instead, most of us stayed in Superman p.j.s and the like and cleaned up the results of a very disappointing meal.
The ham had been fully cooked, but it must have sat out too long or something. Lesson learned. I will zap leftover meat for a long, long time. That is if we ever eat it again.