Friday, July 17, 2009

The New Billy Mays?

Maybe I need to restrict the T.V. watching a little more. Today I was putting my hair in a bun, and my five-year-old said, "Mommy, you could put on a "Bumpit." You put it on your head and you can 'bump it up!' It bumps up your hair." OK... Should a five-year-old boy be giving me advice on this?

But wait- there's more! The other day he told me we could get a "Topsy Turvy" to grow larger tomatoes on.

He also told me I could clean better with Clorox disinfecting wipes.

However, it's his latest comment that makes me think he doesn't need to pitch someone else's product. He just might come up with his own product. He just needs to figure out how to market to birds... "If a mommy bird hangs worms on the branch above her nest, then the baby birds will learn to fly by trying to grab the worms."

Now, what is the contact info for As Seen on T.V.?

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Tomorrow I Will not Yell

I will not yell at the kids tomorrow.
I will not yell at the kids tomorrow.
I will not yell at the kids tomorrow.

I am now clicking my imaginary ruby red slippers together while shutting my eyes tight.

I will report back to tell you if this works.

Saturday, July 11, 2009

Scrape, Moo, Brush, Jump! (or Things We Did this Weekend)

My husband and I decided to stain our deck floor a dark natural color and our spindles and railing a white color to match the trim on our house. Steve decided he didn't like the white after a good portion of the staining was done. He then went to Lowe's for the millionth time since the project began and got some chemicals to remove the stain. He is seen here scraping off the white, which I thought looked fine, by the way. Yesterday he had to repaint the back of our house from where he accidentally sprayed stain on it. Maybe next weekend, he will actually get to stain the deck for real.

Our three littlest ones are enjoying home improvement and re-improvement at its finest. I think Bubble Boy in the middle must be scratching his head wondering why Daddy is taking perfectly good stain off the deck.

Friday was Cow Appreciation Day at Chic Fil A. Customers who dress like cows from head to toe receive a free meal. We humiliated ourselves (or at least I was humiliated, but I didn't want to be a "cow-ard"). Our reward was six free meals. Bubble Boy fell asleep in the van, but I propped him up in the stroller and put his mask on him anyway. I wheeled him in the restaurant to get his free kid's meal. It reminded me of a scene from Weekend at Bernie's. I won't pass up a chance to save some "moo-lah"!

The kids cleaned out six months worth of Georgia clay, Goldfish, Lego guy parts, and French fries from the family truckster.

We replaced our old sofa, "Frankenstein's Monster," this weekend. I couldn't sew up the holes in the leather anymore. Until trash day, we will keep it in the garage, where it will be a substitute for one of those "jumpy places."

Monday, July 6, 2009

Things to Get "Into"

Morning snack.

You think you are think you're boss of the laundry?
I'M boss of the laundry!

What? You won't let me have a real car.

Hey, I'm top-rack only!

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